Values:Primitive  and  Non Primitive Datatypes

Values:Primitive and Non Primitive Datatypes


Every variable we declare in our js code has data types that tell us what kind of datatypes are stored in variables. There are two types of Datatypes:-Primitive datatypes and Non Primitive datatypes. so In this article mainly we are going to cover primitive and nonprimitive data types:

Primitive Datatypes:-

The predefined datatypes that provided by the javascript language. It is also called in-built data types.

  1. Number:-Number datatype in javascript can be used to hold values as well as decimal values.

    we can declare a variable with x that has a number value of 5 and then try to print the number.

    let x=5
    let y=6.5
    console.log(`the value of ${x}`)
    console.log(`the value of ${y}`)


  1. String:-The string Datatypes in the javascript are the character that is between the single or double quotes.

    Let us declare a variable as a article equal to using double or single quotes we declare the value of article as "welcome to my article"

        let article="welcome to my article"
        console.log(`thanku for choosing us , ${article}`)


3.Boolean:-The Boolean datatypes in javascript store in variables in the form of either True or False.

    let article="welcome to my article"
    let value=true

    console.log(`the value of my article is , ${value}`)



the value of my article is, true

Undefined:-The undefined datatypes in javascript gives it value when we are not assign any value to variables.

          let x;

    console.log(`the value of x is , ${x}`)



5.Null:-Null datatype of javascript can hold only null value to its variables.

          let x=null

    console.log(`the value of x is , ${x}`)


Non Primitive Datatypes:-

Nonprimitive datatypes are derived from primitive datatypes.It can be used to store more than one value in a single variable.

let's talk about some examples. most common are Array and Object

Array:-Array is a datatype that store more than one number or value in a single variable. we use a square bracket to assign value to it.

In an array also the concept of index value where we can count our multiple values, Starting with zero till the last index.

          let x=[5,6,7,8,9]
          let y=["monika","satyam","sanjna"]




Object:-Object is a datatype that has a collection of many properties that are associated between a key and a value pair. A function is also an Object but in terms of object, it is called the method and is declared like a function in an Object.

It is used by curly braces.

          let bankaccount={
            name: "monika",
            Lastname: "singh",
             branch: "Patna"



Difference between primitive and nonprimitive datatypes:-

Primitive DatatypesNon primitive Datatypes
It start with lowercaseIt start with uppercase
It is predefineddIt is user-defined and takes reference from primitive
It store single valueIt stores multiple values in single variable
ex:- number, null,undefinedex:-Array, Object,Class

That's end here for more knowledge please visit mdn official website mdn

Thanku so much..

Happy learning!