Web Server: How do web Servers work?

Web Server: How do web Servers work?

The Internet acts as a great source of information. If we want any type of information or have any query we prefer to google it, or search on Internet but have we ever thought about how it internet work? what is a web server and who will handle it? many many questions are there but never try to search and find the reason behind them, so in this article let's talk about Web servers and their work:-

What are Web servers:-

Web Servers are the type of computer programs that allocate web pages when someone requested using the web client. The machines on which these programs are run or flow are called Servers.

Many Person also thinks that some high-powered computers are called web servers. some points of view are correct but that is used by developers for web hosting. For developers web hosting simply means we host our page or website on the Internet. But when someone specifies a web server this means that soft software is downloaded on our system.

How Web Servers work:-

Any page on the internet that we are trying to search for and get a response from the browser. so we have tried to understand that the Browser requests it from the web servers and web servers respond with that page and then the browser gives us the result of our search

Try to describe in simple 4 steps:-

  1. Obtaining Ip address:-for any web hosting we first need to IP address so our web browser first obtains the Ip address or domain name ex-www. monikaarticles.com is the domain name of any page.

  2. Request to full Url from:-After getting the Ip address, the Browser request to get the URL of a website server.

  3. Web server responds to request:- The web server responds to that browser by sending the pages and sends the message as the request is fulfilled. or other cases pages do not exist or some other errors occur sending the error message some examples like:-

we have seen sometimes status 201 means that the request was fulfilled and sometimes also we see that error 404 means that Page does not exist.

  1. Display the web page:- At the end browser gets the web page and displays it and also in the error case it shows an error message

Popular web servers are:-

There are many web servers are available like Microsoft IIS, Nginx Web Server, and LightSpeed Web Server. Here we can discuss two of them

The most popular web server is:-

1.Apache Http server:-It is the most popular server worldwide and mostly used server. It is developed by the Apache software foundation. It is open and free source. It is available for a variety of operating systems like windows, Linux, os x, etc.

2.Microsoft Internet Information Service:- It is the second most popular web server and is used worldwide. It also works like Apache but it's not open source. It is developed by Microsoft so it is available for Windows operating system platforms.

I try to explain the work of the browser and server in fewer words. For more knowledge, you can check out [mdn official site] developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Comm..

That's end of article

Happy learning